Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fresh Talent Graduate

Ever find yourself boasting about your home town, or your skills, or wanting to show off your new shiney graduate diploma but you don't speak Glaswegian? Well have no fear my international student cause the 'Fresh Talent' program in here!

Lots of international students come to the University of Glasgow to broaden their minds and educational experiences. Many of them actually fall in love with this rainy Glasgow climate, the warmth of these friendly Glaswegian's and want to stay after there studies to find work.

This is where the Fresh Talent program comes into play. The Fresh Talent program aims at encouraging international students (non EEA) to remain in Scotland for work up to 2 years after they graduate. There are a few qualifying factors that must be met such as:
- you must graduate!
- you must be from a non EEA country
- you've been living in Scotland during your studies
but you can have a further read up here to see what a great opportunities this is!

So for all you international (non EEA students) polish those pearly whites, put on your best suit and show Scotland what you have to offer!


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